Hempstead Junior School

Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School

Pupil Involvement

At HJS we really value our pupils' involvement in the day to day running of our school. Here are just some of the ways pupils contribute to the running of the school;

  School Council; the HJS School Council is made up from representatives from each class. These children are voted for by their class and change termly. They meet regularly to discuss issues affecting the children, such as playground equipment, charity fund raising and events days. The meetings are chaired and minuted by the children. Class representatives report back to their classes about what is discussed in meetings and they are always willing to hear suggestions from their class mates of issues to discuss at future meetings.
  Head Boy and Girl, Prefects and House Captains; pupils in year 6 are able to apply for and fulfil these important responsibilities, awarding certificates in the Achievement Assembly, showing around visitors and taking responsibility for motivating their house teams
  Peer Mediators; these are a group of up to twenty Year 5 and 6 pupils who help other children solve their friendship problems. The Peer Mediators have been trained using material from Medway Mediation and have developed their skills in listening, questioning and empathizing. They are also trained to be impartial and to not take sides.
Junior First Aiders; we have 20 junior first aiders, all fully trained in the Heart Start first aid initiative (British Heart Foundation), who are on hand to assist the adult first aiders at break and playtimes.
  Eco-Squad; these pupils help keep the school 'green'. They manage the recycling and ensure that class teachers and classes are turning lights and whiteboards off. They are also responsible for / litter picking and recycling food waste. We also have an active Gardening Club which meets three times a week.
Junior Play Leaders; this team of pupils is responsible for managing activities at play and lunchtimes. They help set up various play zones and manage the equipment in and out of the shed. They also manage games on the field during the summer months.
Football match officiating; football, as always, is very popular with both boys and girls. We've found that the best way for the highly competive games to pass off peacefully is for the pupils to officiate the games themselves. A pupil from an older  year group referees, and linesmen help manage the decisions.
  Lost and Found box; suggested and designed by some yr 3 pupils; if anyone finds a lost item on the field or playground, they can place it in the box and then people know where to look if they've lost something. Brilliant  idea.