Hempstead Junior School

Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School


If you are interested admitting your child to Hempstead Junior School, please contact the office to enquire about available spaces.

Places in Year 3 at the start of the academic year

If you are a Medway resident (i.e. pay your Council Tax to Medway), then you must apply for Year 3 places starting in September through Medway Council. If you live outside Medway you will need to contact your home local authority (LA). The Student Services Department is happy to offer you advice on how to apply for school places for your child and any further information you require. Please contact the Student Services Operation Team on 01634 331155 or visit www.medway.gov.uk selecting School and Colleges.

Casual 'in-year' applications

In-year (casual) admissions are processed by the school. The school will be happy to let you know about spaces and potential visits to see the school. If the school notifies you that there is no space available due to year groups being full, parents/ carers do have the legal right to appeal through Medway Council. 

Click here for Medway Council's casual in-year admissions form. This MUST be completed if a place is being applied for and forwarded to the school office for processing.

Click here for Medway admissions guidance

Click here for Medway's Admissions Appeals guidance

Click here for the school's Admissions Policy