Hempstead Junior School

Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School

About Us

We are a three form entry junior school for ages 7 -11, situated in the residential area of Hempstead on the edge of the Medway Towns. Despite our large size, we are proud of the 'village feel' we have established at the school and alongside our local community.

Our school motto “Respect, Inspire, Learn Together” reflects our high aspirations and ambitions for children and staff and there is a determination to ensure that all pupils and adults in the school reach their full potential; we are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all, regardless of situation or background. We are continually looking for ways in which we can improve the school further.

Hempstead Junior is a happy and inclusive school of which our children are proud. We want them to have special and happy memories of their time at Hempstead Junior School.

Pupils thoroughly enjoy their time in school...‘We like this school because every day you learn something new. It’s fun and the teachers always help you.’ Pupils are motivated and inspired by the vibrant, exciting curriculum. They particularly like the many trips and special events that enhance their learning and help develop their curiosity and enquiring minds. They flourish academically and in their personal development to become well-rounded individuals. Pupils’ behaviour is excellent. They are friendly, polite and respectful of each other and adults. They embrace and live up to the school motto of ‘Respect, Inspire, Achieve’.

Ofsted February 2018

We always expect high standards of behaviour and manners, and children experience a range of leadership roles across the school such as Head Boys/ Girls, prefects, House Captains, Peer Mediators, Junior Play Leaders, Junior First Aiders, Junior Road Safety Officers, Librarians, and the green team.

The curriculum, both during and after school, provides children with many opportunities for a wide range of activities and access to the arts and humanities, and sport. We provide extended Breakfast Club provision from 7:30am and provide many after school clubs run by staff and volunteers. I am extremely proud of our children with their positive attitudes towards learning, the way they take responsibility for their own learning and strive to do even better. Visitors always comment on the happy, purposeful environment and the warm welcome they are given by our children and staff.

I hope this website gives you a flavour of our school and the exciting things that take place within it. Come and visit us to see for yourself!

Mr Paul Cross, Head Teacher