Hempstead Junior School

Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School Life at Hempstead Junior School

Welcome to our school

I am delighted to welcome you to Hempstead Junior school.

Hempstead Junior School is part of the Hempstead Schools Federation along with Hempstead Infant School.

We are a three form entry junior school for ages 7 -11, situated in the residential area of Hempstead on the edge of the Medway Towns. Despite our large size, we are proud of the 'village-school' feel we have established at the school and alongside our local community.

Our vision for each child at Hempstead Junior School:

  • Together we will aspire to excellence and embrace challenge.
  • We will be resilient and confident and respect ourselves and others.
  • We will be lifelong learners.

Challenge, resilience, confidence and respect

Hempstead Junior is a happy and inclusive school of which our children are proud. We want them to have special and happy memories of their time at Hempstead Junior School.

Mr Paul Cross, Head Teacher

 See the  full welcome here

 Our vision at Hempstead Junior School is to provide a safe, happy and stimulating environment in which all individuals feel valued, inspired and able to develop a love of learning to reach their full potential.

Challenge, Resilience, Confidence, Respect!